Take a nap

This Artist has demonstrated their creative process and shown that they make the Artworks they post!

In a world full of chaos and need, there exists a simple yet profound concept: the healing power of a peaceful sleep. As you fall asleep, a sense of peace envelopes you, transporting you to a world where worries cease to exist and burdens melt away.

Sleep, when fully embraced, becomes a panacea—a respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It is a sacred ritual that allows us to heal, dream, and rediscover the splendor that is within us. So close your eyes, surrender to the darkness and let the brushstrokes of your sleep paint your world again. For in just one uninterrupted sleep you will witness the profound beauty that exists beyond the realm of wakefulness, and find that life itself becomes more radiant and full of possibilities.

So why not take a nap right now!

My frame by frame animation study series inspired by Ghibli and Doggie Corgi animation

Hope you feel peaceful and relaxed !!!
